Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Not So Preppy Life

I apologize for not blogging as much as I wanted to. I was mourning and I thought I lost my MOJO. This morning I had the urge to write. Thank you for understanding.

Christmas is fast approaching. I blinked and bat my eyelash and all of a sudden its like 4 days to go. Well, I have been quite busy. Beamer put up the Christmas tree and I decorated it before Thanksgiving.

I went shopping for gifts while my husband waited patiently in his car playing poker on his phone. So now I have gifts for everyone except for this particular person. Which reminds me, let me do that today.

We hosted a dinner and I made Bistek Pinoy and Bijon. I think the Bijon was soggy but the Bistek was a "hit". Beamer put up a mini-golf in our apartment and I won! Just like the time we went bowling with his friends and I nailed it! The bad thing was, I didn't even try that much! I always win if I don't try too hard!

There are gazillion things to do for today. Which includes looking for a dress form. Have I told you that I decided to open an online shop? Well, I am now. I am planning to disclose by January 1st. Wish me LUCK!

Have I mentioned I had filling with my new Dentist, Dr. Regenmorter? It was sooooo funny because I was mindset to have a filler and usually in Philippines (where I was born and raised) or Dubai, United Arab Emirates (where I resided for 4 years) I did not have anesthesia. Imagine my surprise when the Dentist pulled out the syringe! I almost fainted and they need to calm me down before I piss my pants. I was so embarrassed but I managed to have a new filling. The Dentist is good! I am scheduled to have a root canal tomorrow at 1:40pm. I am scared as shit! Pardon the language!

Anyway, my new postcards for Christmas is done and we mailed most of it. I didn't use the photo by Phiay Carino with a watermark which I believe she painstakingly edited due to my fat-ness! But a Phiay Carino photograph nonetheless! It has something to do with the color of the dress. Beamer said it was not so Christmas-y. Whatever that means!

I am so excited for our vacay with his family and friends in New York and my fam in New Jersey. I have an intense schedule and I still have to pack the luggage. We will be leaving 23rd and come back 31st. Of course Beamer is stressed. Again.

Have I told you that Beamer bought me a vintage Steve Fabrikant coat for winter? And a Joan Rivers Classic earrings? Awesome!

There are gazillion things to say but for now I am just happy to write again. I am still sad knowing that the rest of my lifetime I will not be able to see a good friend but I came to realize that I have to make the most of this life because it's short and we don't have an inkling of when it will be taken from us.

Keep smiling everyone! Life is good! Let's all get one!