Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Deep Sorrow

Approximately a decade ago I met this guy. He was vibrant and ambitious and driven. This qualities was like a magnet to me. After all, water seeks its own level.

He was on one of my major classes and proved to be my competitor intellectually wise. Although the narcissistic in me believed that I was more. He was the Student President of the Hotel and Restaurant Management Department aka Hoteliers and I (a newbie) was his Vice. That was the start of our budding friendship.

The next year I was the President of the Hoteliers. He was an Advisor. We concocted seminars and fundraisers. We were good at what we do. We got A+ on our thesis. We were competitive. We were dreamers. But most of all, we were realists.

I supported him on his endeavors. He was my rock. He is one of my closest friends. We shared an apartment for like 2 months. When we went to Manila for an interview with the Norwegian Cruise we were room mates at a shabby inn. We helped organized our travel and tours (for Ms. Bueza's class) where we went to Enchanted Kingdom. We even went to Friday's and board the bus tipsy which frustrated our classmates. We love Villa Escudero where we went swimming at the jacuzzi and made fun of the foreigners. We hosted the 1st ever Regional Seminar for Hoteliers. We slept on a veranda floor with our classmates in Laguna.

We used to have drinking spree with Chona, Zhiel, Ricky, Nerissa and Mitch. We talk about nothing. We talk a lot about sensible and senseless things. He told me once while I was wallowing in self-pity that I am lucky in many ways. I apologize if I cannot divulge more of those undisclosed long talks of life.

We had long drinks and love mixing cocktails which we firmly believe to be beneficial for studies. Hey, its for Beverage Management Class. He created the drink, Knoxville. We attended our classmate, Malou Atienza's wedding. We love comedy bars. We love watching movies. We were kindred souls. We love Karaoke at Pong's. We both had A+ on Accounting. Hey, I had a good seat. 

We went to Caramoan Islands when it was still not developed. We shared a room with my sister whom he was hitting on. He loves girls. He loves them young. I used to kid him that. He has always been so much FUN.

When I opted to stay at school and graduate rather than see the world through the cruise line, he already got his degree as he was 2 years my senior in the school. He traveled the world. He has seen it all. He made me proud. We vowed to each other that we will be the best that we can be. And we will be there for each other for confidence boost.

He sent me postcards of his world travels. We saw each other in Dubai when his ship docked. The whole gang strolleduntil wee hours of morning.

Last night I have learned that he died.

Tears were streaming and I have no words. Our mentor, Maam Bevs called me and we were just at loss for words. There is nothing more we can do. We lost a friend. And we can never bring him back.

We were dreamers. We were driven. We were focused. And me losing my focus is like failing him. We used to cheer each other up when we were down. We know we can do anything and be anything in this world of endless possibilities. All we have to do is be patient. And trust the unseen mover of all.

I hope and pray that you are at peace my brother. I hope and pray that what happened to you was not painful. That it was swift. I hope. And that's all that I could do. Hope. And pray. And trust the Lord fully for he has reasons.

I am going to miss you boyfriend. I am going to miss you soooo much.

Rest in peace, Michael Perlado Nacario

I love you. You did great in this world. You were AWESOME.


  1. Beautiful words to celebrate the life of a great friend!

    To you Knox…
    Goodbye to you,
    But not goodbye to all the memories that are precious in our hearts.

    Goodbye to you,
    But not goodbye to all the cheerfulness we shared.

    You are not far away,
    You live in our hearts forever.

    Look forward to a great journey.
    Have fun my friend.
    Till we meet again.

    Love, TESS

    Sissy, I know that it’s hard to smile in this time of great sorrow.
    But please remember that, Death is God’s promise of life…a beautiful life!
