Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poor Old Joe

I have been getting a lot of feedback with my other blog (specifically made to showcase my newfound love for photography) :

Thank you to my roadies, I will now try to give it a makeover. I also got good feedback with my photography that they want their kids to be photographed. This is making me soooo damn excited!

Anyway, today I want to write about Joe Paterno. Apparently this old man ( A College Football coach at Penn State) who has worked so hard and dedicated his life to Penn State is in the middle of a controversy.

On Wednesday, a month shy of his 85th birthday and devastated by a sexual abuse scandal revolving around a man who'd once been a trusted assistant, Joe Paterno stopped holding on. He was left no choice. He announced that this, his 46th season as Penn State 's head football coach and 62nd overall with the Nittany Lions , would be his last.
Hours later, the school's board of trustees transformed the pending resignation into an immediate dismissal. He wouldn't be permitted to work Saturday's final home game against Nebraska, the two left in the regular season after that or a bowl.
He's done. Now. Paterno was given the news by phone. Defensive coordinator Tom Bradley  was named as his interim replacement.
Last night over dinner, the Hubster told me the story. Of course I am not inclined to sports and never knew any football player except Gisele Bundchen's hubby, Tom Brady. I listened to him and I gave him my one cent:

And the only basis of where I stand is coming from my husband who made a nice clam pasta with garlic bread. I was cranky. Well, I always am. So please do not show this blog to your kids. Its nasty!

I do not understand why people are blaming this old man for a crime he did not commit. They are saying he is an accomplice. But he told his superior about the allegations. Is it not the responsibility of that superior to tell the police? There is a loophole in this case somewhere.

And how the hell can he be accused as an accomplice? Apparently "he look the other way."

Look the other way? Was he, as an accomplice, holding the (you know what) of the molested boy while that MOLESTOR was sucking it? Did he look away while holding the mother effin thing?

This old man has worked so hard for these people. This old man probably dreamed of being something bigger for himself. Not in the sidelines. But he figured, hell! I am going to live for these people. He figured, let me live a life serving them.

The same people whom he served are now "castrating" him. He is an old man. Who probably has his share of bad deeds. But is he an accomplice? I believe not. Unless he really was holding (the you know what) but if not then leave him be.

"We are the product of the choices we make." He made a choice. He told his superior about the allegations. Does he really need to call the police after he informed his boss?

I am not a big fan of perverts. I am not! I think they are sick and need help. Or better yet, they need to be castrated. But hey, that's just me.

When I was probably 8 years old, I had a short encounter with a PERV. He was my neighbor on his early 20s. I was playing hide and seek with the kids and I was "it" so I started looking for them. All of a sudden, the bathroom door opened (ajar) and he peeped and told me my playmate was hiding inside the bathroom. I was standing like 6 feet from the door and just as I was about to drag myself to the bathroom I noticed that he was naked. I of course did not see the entirety of his man-hood but I got a glimpse of his disgusting nakedness. Then I thought to myself, if my playmate was inside the bathroom wouldn't he have heard that he is being "outed" and why the hell was he naked?

Of course, I ran to my Mother who went ballistic. There was a restraining order and all that stuff.

So, would it be safe to say that I abhor perverts? They are disgusting human beings and needs to be eradicated from our society. I am appalled by the real culprit of this massive chaos in Penn State but is Joe Paterno guilty? Is he an accomplice?


  1. This news is a shocker!
    Joe Paterno is one of the most revered US sports figures.
    Joe Paterno knew that one of his assistant coaches raped numerous boys for numerous times.
    Joe Paterno knew about it but did not call the police, therefore he’s part of the reason that the predator wasn’t taken down for years.
    Joe Paterno got fired and people started to protest and chant “we want Joe Back “.

  2. Those kids are protesting because they believe in what Joe Paterno achieved for them.
    Apparently, someone reported the alleged rape to Paterno and Paterno reported it to his superior. His superior "looked the other way" and canned that report. Not Joe Paterno.
    The Assistant coach was the alleged rapist, not Paterno.
    And that person who "witnessed" the rape should have reported to the police.
    Okay I understand that Parents are furious because they are parents. They do not want any of these things to happen. But let us all put the blame to whom it is due.
    Who raped those kids? Who saw it? Who should have reported it? And who is the head of the pyramid who is responsible for this issue to be canned and blew out of proportions?
    And yes, Americans love their football. As a matter of fact I am watching TV in the bedroom. Damn!

  3. well, you have a super blog !

    watch ?
