Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Problem and The Solution

I apologize for not blogging as often as before. I was a bit tied up. Not the S&M tied up! I was swamped. Kylee left the crib and everytime I wake up I sort of still wait for her to go to my room and say: "Good Morning Ms. Leya."

 Today I want to write to a certain someone:

Dear YOU,
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. ~Mark Twain.

I know that you are easily depressed and you think that in this lifetime you are a victim. But a victim of what? A victim of your own doing? How many times do I need to reiterate that, WE are the product of the choices WE make.
You feel beaten? Its because you are. You feel tired? Its because that's what you want to think!

So what if you are a LOSER? It is not the end of the world! I do not see a giant wave infront of you. You are still breathing. There is still hope.

It is true, it is not the end of the world. And there is still time to change. But when? Change when you are old enough to have a grandchild? When you want to climb Mt. Everest at 70? Let's be realistic here. We cannot be singers if we are monotone. We cannot be ballet dancers at 50. If your dreams didnt work out, try again. There are a lot of dreams to dream of. Be realistic. Do you know how you can achieve your dream? Wake up! Do not run around chasing rainbows. Not everyone is bound to marry a Prince. Not everyone is bound to be Kate Middleton. Wake up. You may be pretty and looking for that gorgeous prince but have you ever thought that this Prince will never really go for you?

Cinderella is rich. She just got these stepmother and 2 stepsisters who took her wealth and treated her as a maid. But she is RICH. And so is Kate Middleton.

There are times in our lives that we are blinded by our dreams. That we think we can be anything. And we are. We will. If we have the courage. If we have the strength. If we have the perseverance. The dedication and determination. If we have the will.

And if you dont, then stop waiting for NOTHING! Stop waiting for your Prince bumming around like the world will lead him to you. Do something. Make something. Be something. And everything else will fall to its place.

I hate seeing YOU down. Your brave facade is disgusting. You can fool everyone but never yourself. Why cant you just admit to yourself that if its not working your way, it will never work. Give it up. Try a different way. Change your style.

YOU are the problem. You are the SOLUTION.

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