Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey for Thanksgiving

Woke up today feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This is another day for "Domesticated Goddess" to combat. I did a good job yesterday. I made a mean pasta and the Hubster loves it. I always add mushrooms and spam on my pasta with meat sauce. He was adamant with adding cheddar cheese so he opted for the all-time American favorite, Parmesan.

I'm thinking of making some porkchops, Filipino style today. I'm not gonna let your hopes up though because I am feeling a bit nauseous today. And NO! The answer is No! I am not pregster! I am on meds. My liver is slowly killing me. Where the hell is my vodka? Hehehe!

Christmas is fast approaching. But first, there's Thanksgiving. And the most awaited, Black Friday. Shopping, shopping, shopping.

With regards to Thanksgiving, the Hubster will be roasting a turkey. This is one of America's tradition. I on the other hand is not a big fan of our feathery friend. I like Andok's chicken in the Philippines and some fried chicken homemade. But during my 4-year residence in Dubai, we were usually served chicken everyday. To the point that I developed a chicken skin. Really! Its an allergy!

I seldom make chicken dishes here. But I do love a certain store called Mr. Chicken. Its a Portuguese store which caters to their roasted chicken. Really spot-on taste. Never disappoints. I am salivating right now.

Anyway, why cant I have Mr. Chicken on Thanksgiving? Why a Turkey? 

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