Wednesday, November 16, 2011

United We Stand

I woke up this morning and Facebook is swollen with so many stories about the fight last night…mostly exasperating. I cannot understand why there are mixed emotions about PACMAN’s win. We Filipinos should be proud of this win. Not the win we anticipate but sure it was a credible decision. This makes me think, if we can’t be united on this, we can’t be united on a bigger scale. Go to the Mexican’s site and you’ll clearly understand what I’m saying. As for me, I am proud of him and yes, a great Filipino fighter beat that Mexican! I’m a believer of liberal democracy and will never suppress a debate. For that reason, my mouth is fastened and will never open on this subject again.
Have a great day everyone! Surprisingly, Boxing teaches us a life lesson. :))
Maria Teresa Abinal Salazar

My reply: Its not that Filipinos are not united with his winning. It is non-debatable that he will win. The Filipinos are crying for some justice of the money they paid for a fight they expect from a Pacman caliber. That was by far the most boring fight ever. We are proud but I personally wanted a TKO.

The Filipinos are beyond proud of Manny Pacquiao. He is a great boxer! He is the best! No doubt about that!

The thing which drives Filipinos insane is the mere fact that speed used to be his middle name. I am not a boxing enthusiast, I am not even a fan of the sport. Though at one point of my life I was addicted to The Contender, I still think that I am not in the position to judge whether he deserved the title or not. 


I was a little bit sad. All of a sudden I miss Kylee. The Hubster decided to cheer me up by taking the Christmas tree out and gave me a budget for shopping the ornaments. It sort of cheered me up for a while. Then he asked me out for a dinner date. We went to 524 Restaurant (owned by my sexy friend, Maricel Santerre) and had the most amazing grilled salmon. The Hubster enjoyed his steak as it was cooked to his preference. Then the dessert is a cheesecake which blew our mind. I sure will bring my lil' sis, Sugar and Sissy when they come back in here. These 2 are addicted to cheesecake!

After dinner, the Hubster said we should go to Fiesta Bar. Its a Mexican bar in Somerset and most probably they will have the Pacman vs Marquez game. We have an agreement that we should not gloat if Pacman wins because we might get mugged by the Mexicans. When we arrived at the bar we discovered that they are not airing it. No one will because of the fact that they will be charged per person if they have the most coveted fight of the Year!

We went home just in time to get a pay per view which costs $60 plus tax.

Now, let me ask you people. Do you think we deserve that fight? Ok, so Marquez was stepping on his foot. We are Filipinos! Filipinos are not easily perturbed by a foot stepping fool like Marquez. 

Anyway, we won! We just wanted a good fight next time. That's not asking for a lot. We just want a $60 worth of a fight. You would say its just $60. But for a housewife, it's worth a million. 

Dear Manny,

You are the Philippines' pride! Just a mention of your name make us beam with pride. You place our country on the map. And it's all because of your greatness that we are now given equal opportunity. 
You paved a way for all Filipinos. You gave us a chance to dream big. You give us hope. 
You are indeed a hero.

But next time, when you fight with Mayweather make sure to beat the hell out him so he will know that "WE" are the Champion. I do not want second guessing. Please do not disappoint me. Please make me feel that my hard-earned cash is worth that fight. 


You are like our family. Even if you disappointed us, we are still proud of you. You won! The Filipinos are united because we all believe in you.

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