Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Relationship with Him

Eye opener... Why is it hard to talk about God to other people? It's also one of my flaws which I need to get rid of. I love God and am chosen to spread the Good News to people who do not know Him yet..Belldandy Ferwelo Dela Cruz

First and foremost, I am guilty as charged. I do not talk openly about him. And it is not because I do not want to spread his words but because my relationship with him is so intimate. I tell him everything. He is omnipotent. When I make mistakes, he is ever-forgiving. He answer my prayers. He loves me no matter what.

I do not talk openly about him because my relationship with him is non-debatable. I remembered one day in Dubai, waiting for the Karama Bus to bring us to Jebel Ali, there were 2 men (Jehovahs Witness) who asked BB and I if they can talk to us about Him. I vehemently denied them that right. And its not because I do not want to listen. It is because at a young age I have had Bible lessons (the advantage of having an Uncle for a Pastor) and I knew what they will be saying. I just dont want them to change what I have with him.

It is their right to spread the news. It is also my right not to listen.

You see, we all have our own special relationship with him. We all pray (I hope all of us does!) and even if we all believe in him. We all believe differently. And I do not want to rub other people the wrong way. I respect you people for spreading the news. Just dont ambush me while I am seating on a bench cranky. You might not like what I have to say.

Okay, so I was so civil and told them (when they insisted even when I said NO!) "I respect you for doing this and I hope you will respect me of my decision not to listen."

All relationships are alike. Be it with your parents, friends, spouse and children. It is based on trust. And I trust him fully. I am blinded by this trust. I do not want people to be meddling with my relationships with anyone I care deeply about.
My Faith and love for the unseen mover of all is unquestionable. You will most probably hear me telling you to have faith and pray hard. And if that would not work, pray harder. But to talk about the depth of it all, I have learned lessons. He is my God. Until my last breath.

Don't you want to have the same undying relationship with him?

To everyone who spread his news and words, I applaud you. I do. But I hope you will understand people like me who choose to be private about it. Continue spreading it to those who do not know of him. You will be rewarded. I commend you. Just please do not misunderstood my mum-ness to being a non-believer. Because it is way different.

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