Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dusk is the beginning of Darkness

I abhor perverts and the likes but I also believe of "Innocent until proven guilty."

If Sandusky really raped or molested those kids, I am for the lethal injection. It is unfathomable for someone to grow up with a grim of a past. I still could not believe that I have escaped a demonic perv in my childhood.

Yesterday I spoke with my cousin (from New Jersey) and she told me of a Filipino who was accused of molesting a kid. Apparently, the Filipino went to a bathroom and saw a boy crying because he cant pull his pants up. He tried helping the boy and his mother saw it. Then he was accused of molestation.

That's the problem with us. We Filipinos have a soft heart for kids. We see them crying, we help them. Foreigner will think we are nosy. We just care. 

Now I am scared of America. They protect kids so much that they turn their head from parents mugged by their kids. Kids grow up too. Do you know why this kids become psychopath? Its because of their parents. I understand that parents has a heart so big for their kids that they would like to give everything they ask. Is it necessary? What lesson are you teaching your kids?

You can never blame the kids. They emulate you. But you as a parent has to be firm with them especially during their psychomotor stage. It will be crucial but it will be worth it.

You see, if you give everything to your child when they are still babies they will end up asking for more. Then you give again and again. What if something happens to you (God forbids!) and you can no longer provide? They will take it against you. Manipulation is an acquired skill. We learned it from childhood. Parents just think its cute until they are doomed.

Open your mind a bit and picture this:

You are earning a meager salary. You want to give everything to your child. Whatever they ask they get. You are proud to call yourself the best parent. Are you? Then your kid went to school. At school your kid realized he/she cannot have everything they want. Then your kid starts to be a problem child. You still think that "timeouts" at school are cool. You like it! Your kid is a bad-ass! You find it Cool! You still continue giving in to what your kid wants. Your kid eventually realize that money can manipulate classmates or teachers. Then your kid asks for more. And more. And more. You sent your kids to an exclusive school. Then you lost your job. You cannot give anything anymore. You child is in High School and you want him to give up his car to save your house. What do you think will this kid think? Your kid is not an adult. Teenagers are selfish. They only think of themselves. Its a phase.

Why not give them a proper structure? As kids they do not need gazillion toys. They just need an ample amount. They should not have everything they want. They should get what they need. My husband taught me the difference. It took me gazillion years to realize that I was a problem child. And the road to recovery has been crucial but the armor you need is ACCEPTANCE.

Then again, why would you listen to me? I am not a parent. Right? But as a non-parent I have the time that  parents doesn't. A time to dissect it all. A time to ponder on parenting. 

I acknowledge all the efforts parents do. They work and they take care of their babies. They are so tired. Some of them who has more than 2 kids are exhausted. Some of them guilty for working so hard that they just give in to what their kids want. The key is to explain to your kids that you are working for them. You will be surprised how understanding they are capable to be.

It is not late for you. Talk is cheap. You do not want your kids to end up under the hands of a (allegedly) Sandusky. You do not want your kid to be a Sandusky either. Equip your child with the knowledge. Stranger Danger. Trust only those who has proven their worth. Any person with an evil mind can easily corrupt your kid. Be careful. Maintain their innocence but make sure they grow up with a good heart.

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