Saturday, June 18, 2011

Farm Wedding Invitation

Unbeknownst to everyone, I have a secret blog solely for my FARM WEDDING. I had my City Hall wedding last year, December 28, 2010. This month will mark our 6th Month-sary. Which reminds me, I need to organize a celebratory date and it has to be kid-friendly because we have Kylee Sosa in the house. I was thinking early morning picnic in the beach. With the quilt and a cooler (with juice, mineral & vitamin water, fruits, ice cream) and snacks. Maybe we can grill some meat and veggies as well. I wonder what gift I can give my hubster?

Anyway, if you wish to read my secret blog please do not hesitate to send me your gmail address and I will be more than willing to invite you. I have to warn you though that the blog is a secret and will remain as such until after my Farm wedding is over, by then I can share it to the world.

The photo was taken at Glen Farm, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. My sister, Sugar was the photographer and we were all in a tight schedule and the weather was obviously not on our side. But we made it and we have been getting a lot of good feedback when we sent the postcards as an invitation.

I cant wait for the photo shoot with Phiay Abinal Carino. It will be awesome. Inshallah!

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