Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Glimpse of my Life in Dubai

The reason why I squeezed these photos is that, I want to move on with my life. Dubai was FUN. I was way sexier and who knows, maybe I still will with the right diet (Hunger strike!) and exercise.

Ages ago, I had a chance to bag a job at Prime Hotel-Baguio City as a receptionist. After a few months I became a Supervisor. I realized then that the only job I wanted to pursue is in the Hospitality Industry. Then I went back to school with the help and assistance of Papa Vi & Mama Cit. A degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management helped me to work in Pafos, Cyprus & Dubai, UAE.

Dubai will always be a part of me. Next to Baguio City which I consider 2nd home. I think that a lot of good things transpired in here and my career just flourished. I am still waiting for my working permit (which is taking forever!) and right now, all I need to do is just to sit back, relax....and love my husband. The latter statement was his idea.

In 10 years, Beamer and I planned of going back to Dubai. I hope by that time someone I know is still working in the hotel so I could get a discount. Hahahaha!

2 years ago, I had a couple on their senior (guests) and they looked so happy. I asked them if they are planning to come back in Dubai and she said: "Much as I wanted to, we don't go back to the same place."

Apparently, they feel that the world is too big to explore. And I agree with them, personally I might not come back to Dubai because Beamer & I both explored the city but we are sentimental.

The world is my playground and I'm gonna tag my Hubster along.

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