Thursday, June 16, 2011

Party Forever

It seems like my life in Dubai was in a distant past. Sometimes, I don't remember places anymore. I remember wearing this dress only once. During our staff party at the hotel. It was a FUN party and I was one of the host. I usually host parties in Dubai and some function in the hotel. I somehow got disappointed the last time I did it because I was really not suppose to take that hosting job (btw, it was pro bono) but the lady stated she will make a script for me. I was sort of in shock when the script was not given prior but handed to me 5 minutes before it started and it was the messiest script I've ever laid eyes on. I screwed it up and I sort of cant forgive myself for accepting that offer.

The harm has been done. One thing I've learned in life is that, I cannot  bring back the past. The time machine concept is sick! It stagnates people. When we make a mistake we tend to linger on that specific moment of  lucid stupidity. We want to pull back the time but we cant. And the scene keeps playing on and on until you cannot bear it anymore and the only thing to do is to keep on surviving.

Where was I before I was transported to bitter territory?

Note: I have been receiving a lot of photos (shoes) for the Zara dress giveaway and some of them I would love to wear. Thank you. Keep it coming!

I would like to acknowledge my new followers whom I will refer to as my Fashion Roadies. You will all join me on this journey. And I am thankful. I just hope that somehow I can give something for all of you. 

A frown. A smirk. A smile. A glimpse of hope. A fashion sense. A shoe advice. A friendship.

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