Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Lil' Bear (Tiverton, Rhode Island)

Its getting hotter and humid-er by the minute in The Riv. My hubster's favorite sleeping accessory is a Ralph Lauren comforter (mine too, but mostly his!) which is a wedding gift from Sissy, and I'm afraid he has to part with it already! We started using it 4 months ago and I don't think he wanted to wash it! Gross!

But it has to go to the laundry! It needs to be washed no matter how good his explanation: It gives warmth when your cold and soothes you when you feel hot! I still would recommend a beer for that sort of feeling. Though I'm not a beer drinker anymore. I sort of stopped when I arrived in Dubai. It just doesn't feel right. Frequent visits to the loo is annoying!

The Lil' Bear @ Tiverton, Rhode Island is a small watering hole. It is located near a Nursing Home so you probably might see a lot of Seniors. A bunch of them were singing "Sweet Caroline" when we arrived but I don't get bothered by that. I love the seniors! Most of my guests in the hotel before were Seniors and they are the easiest to please. They are more grateful and appreciative. Plus the fact that they are patient. I think when you reach a certain age everyone of us will be as well.

The previous day I had one of the finest conversations with my BFF, Knox. He referred to me as BFF but I used to refer to him as boyfriend. We were never that, but he is a boy and he is my friend. So technically, he is my boyfriend. He said: You have to spend money to get money. More of the Donald Trump mentality but it got me thinking. What if you don't have money to spend? He said, its like a cycle. You get money, you spend money and then you get money again...

I'm still working with that life concept because I used to splurge on everything. I used to do these things. It didn't get me anywhere but I think that's because I overdo it. Anyway, I spend money on shoes.

What I wanted to explain is that I am a wiser version of myself 10 years ago. I don't
 think I aged that much because I still feel young. Okay, I must admit that I get tired easily nowadays but hey! Nobody is getting any younger.

He also said its not knowledge which should be considered as power. "Wisdom is Power."

I'm also a wiser shopper now. I shop on whatever is needed more of what I wanted. My husband is a big influence on me. He was such a miser. I know that he changed a lot now and that his only aim is for us to have our own house. I love the guy! He has big dreams for us. Not high and mighty dreams but reachable dreams. We are both realists. He is also helping me with my "Vintage Business" which I have high hopes to prosper. I am just blessed with a wonderful man who supports me in everything and combat my idiosyncrasies. I love waking up beside him knowing that he will stand by me no matter what happens.

He is my Lil' Bear!

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