Wednesday, July 27, 2011

{Featured Fashionista} Patricia Del Rosario

Nota Bene: I am a narcissist. Its a declarative statement. Hence, I decided that during lucid intervals I will be featuring a Fashionista. Someone who reminds me of myself at one point or another. 

 I met Patricia (whom I fondly call Patring) when I worked in Dubai at one of the 5* hotels. Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa is the breeding ground of great people. All of us has to start somewhere.

The thing about working in an obtrusive environment is that, it stagnates you. It could be because of a certain stability that you feel from a meager salary or the indolence of having to combat another bout of training or even a love you want to grasp in your hands.

It stagnates you. It does.

You try to work hard thinking you will be compensated but they require more from you so you give more. You give more until there is nothing left of you to give.

And then one day you wake up thinking that you are in a difficult situation but you never knew from then that leaving is the most equitable decision you have ever made in your entire life.

Then you look back from that time that you think is the most crucial part, you smile because we know that from the deepest recesses of our hearts, we know we made the best decision ever.
Going back to Patricia, she has the alabaster skin which everyone adores. A body which is to die for. The beauty. The glow.

I remembered when Russian girls calls her Babushka (grandmother) in her great attempt to hide her voluptuousness. But like class, it can never be hidden. It will spring and will illuminate.

Patricia is a Fashionista in every sense of the word.

I have always been awed by her outward appearance but there is simply more to this beauty.
The reason why I can relate to her is because at one point in my life I have been through hell and high waters and she reminds me of what I am. 

A Fighter. A Believer. A Survivor.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Newfound Happiness

My weekend is chaotic. It was a busy and I couldnt keep up with everything needed to be done. Yesterday I dragged Kylee to attend Angelin's 8th Birthday party. Beamer followed after and then he dropped me off to my fashion haven, Marshalls!

This particular Marshall opened 21st in Swansea.

Beamer decided to go to the nearby driving range while I was literally struck by my ADHD. When he fetched me he was drenched with sweat bcs it was really humid outside and the first thing he said was: "All the girls are happy here." He stated that this was literally the first time he saw all girls smiling at each other even if they dont know each other. I died of laughter!

I got myself a new Betseyville pouch by Betsey Johnson, a Hollywood tape, Beverly Hills Polo Spray for Beamer and stationery. I am happy! I was obsessed with a Jessica Simpson sandals and  Coach sunglasses though. Maybe next time.

I have a necktie for Fatboy too! He can wear it on my wedding.

Life is getting better. I am even inspired to clean my kitchen. Hehehe!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Groveling is for A Geisha

On my recollection, there was never a battle half-won. Even the minutest of details is a battle which needed to be won. Sometimes, battles are left in a corner but someone should and must emerge a winner.

I need not reiterate my moments in this workplace but I am happy for the experience it brought me. At one point, I have met new friends and inevitably, new enemies. But one thing for sure, I realized that at one point or another, people stab you in all the places necessary.

As BB puts it, BITTER, peanut bitter!


Yesterday was mayhem. I was beyond exhaustion. I was not on my prime while shopping. I bought a cute GAP skirt, and that was the highlight.

I am still in search of the perfect Farm Wedding Dress. Wish me luck!

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Sun-Shiny Day

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Yesterday I had a "discussion" with the hubster. I apologize if I cant reiterate the content because of personal reasons. That, or this an open BLOG therefore peeps can actually access it at any given time. Hehehe!

Today it will be another busy day. I have to make some Farm Wedding decors and do some chores. We also need to visit David's Bridal so I can actually look at some wedding gowns. Hey, I'm not at all looking for a fab dress, I am actually for once going with the theme. Hehehe!

I wanted a simple white or ivory gown. Something which would compliment my figure. 

After which we might go to the Pearce's crib because they invited us for a pool party. I know, I know...I wont probably be swimming but I guess the hubster wanted to see his friends and Kylee (my foster kid) would like to flaunt her new Dora swimsuit.

Just in case I don't blog this weekend: 

On the morrow I will be out shopping. I might look for my wedding shoes too.

On Sunday, we will be attending Angelin's birthday bash. Which reminds me, I have to give the specification of the dress to her mom, Mars.

The unseen mover of all has a funny way of intervening with our plans but I am not perturbed. I know everything happens for a reason.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Drizzle is Finally Over

 Dress by House of Sun
Faux Fur from Emma Sunaz (My Dearest Nanay)
Shoes by Miu Miu (from Lv Vent)

This is by far my favorite wedding photo. Phiay Carino took this photo and captured the moment.

Yesterday, Beamer and I went to Francis Farm:

I am just elated that the drizzle is finally over.

We'll probably be coming back there soon to measure the tables as I wanted to put my own tablecloth in there with some simple decors on top. The benches are very farm-y and I'm just pleased. Robyn, the Events Coordinator was very helpful and I am just glad to know that they are flexible.

More details on my secret blog for the Farm Wedding.

Sigh! Now I can start doing my decors again.

The moral of my story: "Everything happens for a reason."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Drizzle in the Farm

Beamer & I were on crossroads last week because of a slight drizzle on our Farm Wedding. It both threw us and left me speechless. Well, those who knew me would never doubt I can pull this out. And those who think they are stepping on me doesn't really realize that they're up for a surprise.

Anyway, since the drizzle I was thinking whether I should wear a white wedding dress or yellow. Both my lil' sis & Sissy, opted I wear white. Now, the truth is, I am sort of thinking practically. But hey! We only live once, right?

On the morrow, Beamer & I will be negotiating with a wedding vendor (more details are revealed on my secret blog) which will make or break the event. I hope everything comes to its place, then I can breath and start stressing with something else. I hope that some people will be more of an ally rather than kibitzers.

As a word from my lil' sister: "How dare you doubt my powers, you puny insect!"

Monday, July 18, 2011

Life in PINK

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
(My favorite quote from Nelson Mandela)

Today (just recently) before Beamer left for work he said: If you go to the store please dont wear sexy clothes. I thought the hubster was not the jelly-belly type. Hehehe!

Of course when I go to the store (which is my exercise) to get some unnecessary stuff (the essentials are done in Walmart etc) or mail letters, I wear shorts and a shirt. And I dont think of it as sexy clothes. When I was in my teens, I was never sexy. I have literally no boobs and you can easily  mistake me as a boy. But when I hit the 20's I started growing them and now I felt so conscious with it. Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for. Hehehe!

As I am a mood dressing shoe-paholic, I have to admit that there are times I dress down just so others can flaunt theirs. Sometimes I feel that I don't have to upstage the host and that bugs me. I am done playing nice! This is my time to shine!

NB: My Farm wedding plans became a nightmare but I am positive that we will overcome this obstacle.

 I can. I will. I believe.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bateux Dubai Cruise

I remembered this day like it was yesterday. Beamer & I explored the city with Amor. Then we realized that traffic is too bad and we might be left out by the cruise. We were running like mad people in the street, in the hotel only to realize that we were half an hour early. I didn't put make up and even bothered to fix my hair. 
Yesterday was mayhem. We woke up early and then had breakfast. We headed to Cranston for my 11am BIOMETRICS appointment and then went to look at some vintage shop for coffee tables. Have I mentioned I found one vintage piece which is really really nice but really really pricey? Well, if I return there next week and its still there then its meant to be.

And then I bought a Martha Stewart Ring bearer pillow and flower girl basket. We headed home and had lunch and I slept for awhile. By 3:30pm we went to pick up my medicine refill and then met with Ron (The Realtor) back in Cranston.

We went to see 3 houses. 1st one is a crampy house. Beamer saw a big shell and took it and attempted to put it in his ears. A baby snake came out and we were all freaked out. Well, especially me. Ron stated it was a garden snake. I went bananas!

The 2nd house looks like a decent house. It has 2 rooms, 1 bath, a dining and a living room. It has a small backyard and the basement is quite big. I think we can put up another room (probably a guest room) in there because it has a nice space. Surprisingly, I like it. Its not entirely my style but the neighborhood is great.

The 3rd one looks like a party place. It has a good backyard but again, it has molds. I'd rather not enter. 

Today, Beamer will try to fix a problem (which will be mentioned on my secret blog) with regards to the wedding.

The other night, I was freaking out and Sissy called me. I was like ballistic. My mother told me I am becoming a nutcase. Sugar said I AM a NUTCASE. And Sissy, just telling me to chill. On the other hand, I should change my Blog title to BRIDEZILLA.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Irish Village

As I have mentioned earlier, you will be seeing some of my Dubai Escapades with Beamer last year. This was taken the day he arrived in Dubai. We just had dinner in our apartment and headed to the Irish Village for some Bullfrogs.

1 shot Vodka
1 shot Tequila
1 shot Blue Curacao
1 shot Gin
1 can Red Bull

Add all the shots of Alcohol to a pint glass, turning the mixture Blue then add the Red Bull to create the BULL FROG.

Today is gonna be one of those busy days. I woke up, prepared the hubsters clothes and lunchbox. Served breakfast. Then started blogging and FB. I dont open FB as much as I used to because I am sort of addicted to Words with Friends.

Today, I have to do some chores and finish another box I have to send to PI for my business venture and then  mail some postcards for some peeps. After which we will go visit Grandpa Dan's Farm where the wedding will take place. Then do some grocery for Ky's foodie! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Sail

Dress by TANGO

When Beamer arrived in Dubai, I brought him at the Skyview Bar-Burj Al Arab for a post-birthday celebration. His birthday is December 26th but we only celebrated over skype. So I made sure he got my birthday gift.

I have been to Burj for like 4 times already and being there for the 2nd time is not as overwhelming as the 1st. The first always will be surreal and amazing. However, its a different feeling being there with the man you love.

We have promised each other during that "date" that after 10 years we will be back in Dubai. I personally believe now that the world is my playground...

And I am tagging Beamer with me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lips Like Strawberry Wine

I remembered Sissy's daughters (upon seeing the Devil's horn) saying, "You're a PONY!" That was hilarious!

To say that yesterday was a busy day is an understatement! I was beyond exhaustion. 

I woke up 7am and started packing for the beach. Took a shower. Gave Ky & Beamer breakfast. Loaded things in the car. Went shopping. Then scouted new vintage stores. I found a kitchen deco which I will decorate on the Farm wedding in lieu of the traditional card box collector. I also found a mosaic plate which I love love love.

Beamer picked us up at one shop with his friend and we all went to another vintage store for comics. We then met Ron, the new realtor specializing in Rhode Island Areas. I think I like him because he gives good info of a place skipping some BS. We went to 2 houses. The first one is undeniably shabby and so not my style. REALLY! The second one is so homey. The minute we entered I felt that I can have kids in there. However, since we got a chance to cross path with some workers, we realized there are molds. And then the sky castles I've painted slowly deteriorated.

After which, we dropped Jay (Scott's new friend!) to his house and we drove from Barrington to Newport. We had snacks at Subway (my new favorite!) and then headed to the 2nd Beach. Ky was overjoyed.

Then we dropped by at The Ross' for a playdate of Ky with Sal. Beamer was taking care of the kids while I got addicted playing "Words with Friends."

By the time we got home it was 9:30pm. It was almost 13hours of work! I was dead tired!

Looking back, it was a good day! As a matter of fact, it was a fruitful, productive Lovely Day!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Life is Short, You Should get One

I woke up today feeling a little bit motivated. You see, I am a VIRGO hence the constant worries and perpetual depression. I am not mocking people who would rather end their lives than continue breathing, what I'm saying is: I embrace depression because it sort of awaken the creativity inside of me.

One of my favorite writers, Jessica Zafra once said: "Why would I end my life and make my enemies happy when I can make their lives miserable just by existing."

I love JZ. I am a big fan! A huge, enormous and gigantic fan! She is the top echelon of sarcasm and I am climbing still.

Where was I?

As you all know, I am extremely busy (or at least I should be, if I'm not bumming around complaining to the hubster) because of the upcoming Farm Wedding. It seems very odd that I feel so lazy when there are gazillion things to do. Good thing, Sissy was there to encourage me. She will be helping me with the planning for the Rehearsal Dinner on September 15th.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Scaling Fishes

I woke up today feeling refreshed. Yesterday, I had a "discussion" with Beamer regarding the dishes. I hate doing dishes! The same way I hate scaling the fish. An incident where I got a black-eye courtesy of my father, just because I refused to do so.

Anyway, we came to an agreement. I cook food, he do the dishes! I think its more sensible.

After smoking a ciggie in the porch (which I never did!) I decided that I'm such a bad wifey and I have to clean up my act. We then went to "The Raffa's" to celebrate the Glorious 4th!

There's a lot of food. I liked the stuffed (tuna) tomatoes, stuffed quahog (YUM!) and grilled hotdogs & burgers. Though I love Devil's eggs the one they did has a pureed yolk which I didnt like texture wise on my palate. Its delicious though. I also love Beamer's pickles which we gave the Raffa's during our wedding as a favor and they could not seem to open.

Kylee surprisingly was well behaved and I am so proud of her. She was so dirty after hours of playing with the other kids.

I had a chat with Beamer on our way home after watching the FIREWORKS at Newport. By the way, spectacular but not nearly as amazing as the fireworks in Dubai. We both agreed that next year, if we are still invited at the Raffa's, I will be cooking some foodie and we have to bring some drinks too. I think we also need to be celebrating ID4 by wearing a more patriotic wardrobe.

NB: As I was not in the mood, I dressed with jeans and a fuchsia pink top with my gold thong slippers. My apologies for not taking photos as I was a bit moody! Like, always!

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Glorious 4th

It is a common knowledge that the glamorous USA celebrate this day as the Declaration of Independence. Though the legal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, I am not nearly as perturbed.

I am happy for the Americans. I am happy that the fruit of labor of their forefathers is now being gloriously savored by the masses, including me. And even if some mockery from other countries are publicly displayed stating that this country will soon step down as the "Strongest Country in the World" I still positively believe that on my lifetime it will stay that way.

Happy Independence Day America! 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Drive or Not To Drive

As soon as the weather changed, my life sort of changed in a funny way. Suddenly I dont want to bum around wasting my time watching Real Housewives (OC, NY & Beverly Hills) and some catch up of CSI (NY,LV &  Miami) or even watching movies from either Red Box or Xfinity. 

Lately, I have been going to parties, wedding, christening and seem to enjoy the beach at one point. I love strolling at the beach after 4pm too. I am also productive at home and claim to be a domesticated Goddess (Move over Nigella Lawson!) and doing a god job with my culinary novicity. Believe me, there is a word. Check the Urban Dictionary! 

Since Sissy inspired me with her interior designing skills I sort of decided to redecorate my crib too. Beamer is just excited to move out and look for our perfect "LOFT." I am just starting with this one and he wants me to go crazy again? lol

I love Boston and I think I am more in-love with Boston than New York. Traffic in NY is just unbearable. Manhattan is a must see but I am adamant to call it a must live-on. Its just so fast paced and probably for the singletons. I might, just might consider living there if I'm working at "The Plaza" and I don't drive so I guess I can deal with that too.

Why don't I drive? My explanation has always been consistent: Some people dream (or visualize) when they were younger, driving a fancy car. I didn't. I dreamt that I was driven by a chauffeur.