Sunday, July 24, 2011

Groveling is for A Geisha

On my recollection, there was never a battle half-won. Even the minutest of details is a battle which needed to be won. Sometimes, battles are left in a corner but someone should and must emerge a winner.

I need not reiterate my moments in this workplace but I am happy for the experience it brought me. At one point, I have met new friends and inevitably, new enemies. But one thing for sure, I realized that at one point or another, people stab you in all the places necessary.

As BB puts it, BITTER, peanut bitter!


Yesterday was mayhem. I was beyond exhaustion. I was not on my prime while shopping. I bought a cute GAP skirt, and that was the highlight.

I am still in search of the perfect Farm Wedding Dress. Wish me luck!

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