Friday, July 8, 2011

Life is Short, You Should get One

I woke up today feeling a little bit motivated. You see, I am a VIRGO hence the constant worries and perpetual depression. I am not mocking people who would rather end their lives than continue breathing, what I'm saying is: I embrace depression because it sort of awaken the creativity inside of me.

One of my favorite writers, Jessica Zafra once said: "Why would I end my life and make my enemies happy when I can make their lives miserable just by existing."

I love JZ. I am a big fan! A huge, enormous and gigantic fan! She is the top echelon of sarcasm and I am climbing still.

Where was I?

As you all know, I am extremely busy (or at least I should be, if I'm not bumming around complaining to the hubster) because of the upcoming Farm Wedding. It seems very odd that I feel so lazy when there are gazillion things to do. Good thing, Sissy was there to encourage me. She will be helping me with the planning for the Rehearsal Dinner on September 15th.

1 comment:

  1. And this is my favorite quote from Jessica Zafra. Don’t reference this to your blog topic as this quote is completely incongruent…

    "As you go through life, you learn many lessons. Unfortunately these lessons only apply to the specific instances in which you learned them. Therefore you can expect to make horrible mistakes no matter how long you live" Jessica Zafra (Chicken Pox for the Soul).

    And since this quote is completely unrelated…I don’t feel the need to expound or rationalize… (My stomach is really painful!)

    Back to your blog…

    I think we did well today planning activities before and after your wedding. Maybe great if we opted to skip over things like natters, chatters and blathers… and anything that ends with ERS! LOL

    Don’t worry, you will be fine. Life has unique ways of readjusting things to make it seemingly perfect for everyone (I coined this quote intended for the happy-go-lucky). Besides, with your lure and my conspiring, there's nothing to worry about. We will live life to exceed it!

    And there’s nothing to worry about being depressed, JZ quoted “Beware of those who have never been bored, depressed, or angry. There is something seriously wrong with them." Yes, seriously wrong for those people who can continuously laugh for 365 days!

    You love Jessica Zafra so I quoted her exceedingly!

    I cannot believe I wrote this while nursing a sore stomach… this is a serious multitasking!

    Now, my point is “Don’t worry, Stay Happy!” …Really.

