Thursday, July 21, 2011

Drizzle is Finally Over

 Dress by House of Sun
Faux Fur from Emma Sunaz (My Dearest Nanay)
Shoes by Miu Miu (from Lv Vent)

This is by far my favorite wedding photo. Phiay Carino took this photo and captured the moment.

Yesterday, Beamer and I went to Francis Farm:

I am just elated that the drizzle is finally over.

We'll probably be coming back there soon to measure the tables as I wanted to put my own tablecloth in there with some simple decors on top. The benches are very farm-y and I'm just pleased. Robyn, the Events Coordinator was very helpful and I am just glad to know that they are flexible.

More details on my secret blog for the Farm Wedding.

Sigh! Now I can start doing my decors again.

The moral of my story: "Everything happens for a reason."

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