Friday, July 22, 2011

A Sun-Shiny Day

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Yesterday I had a "discussion" with the hubster. I apologize if I cant reiterate the content because of personal reasons. That, or this an open BLOG therefore peeps can actually access it at any given time. Hehehe!

Today it will be another busy day. I have to make some Farm Wedding decors and do some chores. We also need to visit David's Bridal so I can actually look at some wedding gowns. Hey, I'm not at all looking for a fab dress, I am actually for once going with the theme. Hehehe!

I wanted a simple white or ivory gown. Something which would compliment my figure. 

After which we might go to the Pearce's crib because they invited us for a pool party. I know, I know...I wont probably be swimming but I guess the hubster wanted to see his friends and Kylee (my foster kid) would like to flaunt her new Dora swimsuit.

Just in case I don't blog this weekend: 

On the morrow I will be out shopping. I might look for my wedding shoes too.

On Sunday, we will be attending Angelin's birthday bash. Which reminds me, I have to give the specification of the dress to her mom, Mars.

The unseen mover of all has a funny way of intervening with our plans but I am not perturbed. I know everything happens for a reason.

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