Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Drive or Not To Drive

As soon as the weather changed, my life sort of changed in a funny way. Suddenly I dont want to bum around wasting my time watching Real Housewives (OC, NY & Beverly Hills) and some catch up of CSI (NY,LV &  Miami) or even watching movies from either Red Box or Xfinity. 

Lately, I have been going to parties, wedding, christening and seem to enjoy the beach at one point. I love strolling at the beach after 4pm too. I am also productive at home and claim to be a domesticated Goddess (Move over Nigella Lawson!) and doing a god job with my culinary novicity. Believe me, there is a word. Check the Urban Dictionary! 

Since Sissy inspired me with her interior designing skills I sort of decided to redecorate my crib too. Beamer is just excited to move out and look for our perfect "LOFT." I am just starting with this one and he wants me to go crazy again? lol

I love Boston and I think I am more in-love with Boston than New York. Traffic in NY is just unbearable. Manhattan is a must see but I am adamant to call it a must live-on. Its just so fast paced and probably for the singletons. I might, just might consider living there if I'm working at "The Plaza" and I don't drive so I guess I can deal with that too.

Why don't I drive? My explanation has always been consistent: Some people dream (or visualize) when they were younger, driving a fancy car. I didn't. I dreamt that I was driven by a chauffeur. 

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