Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Irish Village

As I have mentioned earlier, you will be seeing some of my Dubai Escapades with Beamer last year. This was taken the day he arrived in Dubai. We just had dinner in our apartment and headed to the Irish Village for some Bullfrogs.

1 shot Vodka
1 shot Tequila
1 shot Blue Curacao
1 shot Gin
1 can Red Bull

Add all the shots of Alcohol to a pint glass, turning the mixture Blue then add the Red Bull to create the BULL FROG.

Today is gonna be one of those busy days. I woke up, prepared the hubsters clothes and lunchbox. Served breakfast. Then started blogging and FB. I dont open FB as much as I used to because I am sort of addicted to Words with Friends.

Today, I have to do some chores and finish another box I have to send to PI for my business venture and then  mail some postcards for some peeps. After which we will go visit Grandpa Dan's Farm where the wedding will take place. Then do some grocery for Ky's foodie! 

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