Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Channeling Jessica Zafra

"Beware of those who have never been bored, depressed, or angry. There is something seriously wrong with them."
— Jessica Zafra (Chicken Pox for the Soul)

I was never a fan of hypocrisy. My work made it worse. I used to deal with guests who are so irrational that I wanted to strangle them with my bare hands. I just convinced myself: At least I am getting paid and I will not be imprisoned.

The whole duration of my existence I have met people from all walks of life. Rich. Poor. Tailor. Doctor. You name it, I have met them. I met people who'd rather have a new dress and beg for food. I met gay guys I love. I met closet gays. I met closet gays and they came out. I met happy people. Lonely. Depressed. I met crazy. I am crazy. 

I met people who pretend to be happy even if from the bottom of their hearts they wanted to drown themselves. I met people who pretended to be lonely so you can empathize of their demise.  I met new friends and loved old ones. I let go of some because they are not worthy. I kept some because they are.

I will never ever ever force myself to someone. Those who treat me as their friend will forever be in my heart. And those who stab me at the back needs to be eradicated from the circle of trust.
Sometimes you think that the people who stays are the people who loves you and care for you. Think of the motives. Do they stay because they love you or because they have  no choice? Do they stay because they want to manipulate the crappy shit out of you?

In your most miserable state, when you have hit rock bottom, think about the people whom you think has been nasty. Are they stating a fact? Are they telling the truth? Are they putting some sense on your irrational mind? Are they making you wake up from your convoluted dream? Then, these people are not exactly enemies. These people are actually friends. They stab you in the front. They tell it to you upfront. The HARD CORE TRUTH that you have been avoiding for so long.

Its a shitty world. This is not the Columbus and Magellan's era. This is the world that NOBODY can dominate, not even you (my dear literary goddess) Jessica Zafra.


  1. makes me wonder, from the types you've met, where do 'moi' belong? :)

  2. Beautiful Disaster: You belong to the RICH!Happy and Crazy!lol
