Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Wedding Gown

During my City Hall wedding I was appalled by my hair. I felt like a lunatic. And everyone who knew me probably realize that I am not going to post a lot of those photos. It was a bad hair day. But the Farm Wedding, I was thankful to my friend, Maricel Santerre for the hair and make-up. Also to Phiay who painstakingly made sure gazillion hair pins will hold my hair.

I am thankful to a lot of people and I guess I did not mention them during our "Thank You" speech because I was so tired and stressed and wanted to strangle a few people who wanted to ruin my day.

I would like to thank my new family, The Lods family for being there and for their assistance. I am grateful and appreciative that you have welcomed me in the family with open arms. Each and everyone of you made our day special. 

To Cousin Tony Dominioni and Liza, thanks for my drinks and making me feel a little bit calmer during the wedding. 

To the Sunaz family. To my Father, Auntie Esther, Dudz and May for helping out when all hell broke loose. Thank you.

To the Sacayan-Llacer family. I am grateful that you drove 17hours from Durham, North Carolina to Seekonk, Massachusetts. Thank you for helping me with the decors. 

To Maricel Santerre, my new friend who loves "laing", Thank you for the help with my hair and make-up and for organizing the maniped a day before. 

To the Salazar's family, you guys are the best. Thank you for being a trooper. The kids are phenomenal and really well behaved. And you guys drove all the way from Canada to Massachusetts just to make sure that everything will fall to its place. Thank you so much!

To Phiay Carino Photography.
Thank you for the amazing photos! You're the best!

To Sugar (my lil' sister) who made sure that everything is fine and in order. For calming me down. For the love and support. For everything. Love you and Kulas bunch!

To my Nanay, my number one fan! Thank you for making sure that I will keep my sanity. 

To all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all. Words are not enough.

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