Friday, September 2, 2011

I Love to Hate (Part Deux)

I was on a "cheese nips" binge-ing with my sister Sugar and she told me that I am evil. I am. I really am. My mother told the hubster during the course of his courtship that I can be really really nice but if I am treated badly I give it back ten folds.

I would have to agree. 

"I'd rather be a bitch than a doormat." 
— Jessica Zafra

Let me tell you something about myself, I have nothing to do. I can dedicate my life ruining yours and making you miserable so do not try my patience because it is wearing thin. I will not submit in your BS because if I am a nobody, you are just as nobody as me. How dare you doubt my powers you puny little insect. I will squash you like a bug!

The last 2 sentences I've read somewhere. Nevertheless, you have been warned. You have a lot of things to do and problems to tackle. Make sure you don't step on your bounds because little person, you do not know me. YOU do not know what I can do.

This is not a threat, this is a PROMISE.

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