Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Most of you are wondering why I deleted my photos. It was a spur of the moment decision. It liberates me. 

I am feeling bitchy today more than any days of my life. I just don't get that some people take time to read, dig deep into my thoughts, talk about it and refuse to follow my blog. I guess they don't want to show me that they read my blog (or follow it) because they have an agenda. A very insecure agenda.

I have tried to delete "friends" on FB and they still invited me. So I figured, what the heck! I just wont show my photos to everyone. I have a blog and to differentiate my roadies to the "hoi polloi" I will provide an access to my photos.

So please don't make it personal that I do not show you photos anymore. I guess if you want to get something from me it is just fair that I get something from you. Hey! I'm not asking for money!

Ponder that!

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