Friday, September 30, 2011

You Are Stronger than You think

Lookbook is making me happy for the past 3 days. It is a venue to showcase the things I am willing to be parted with in order for me to proceed with my pet project.

"I can, I will, I believe."

Yesterday, the hubster was a bit sad. He came home early from work and we went through all the details, pros and cons of owning The Bayview. The Bayview is the Dream House. Its not entirely the house I wanted but the property is so massive and the view is spectacular.

The thing is, we might not be ready to be homeowners. At least not yet. We both wanted to have a house but circumstances impedes us to do so. So we both became sad knowing that our dream house will just be a dream. But it is by embracing the truth that our lives become a bit lighter and our minds become clearer. If The Bayview is not for us, then it is God's will. Everything happens for a reason. I give it all to him, the unseen mover of all.

Our lives are complicated because we choose to lead a complicated path. It is our choice. We are the product of the choices we make.

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