Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stranger Danger

I woke up from a dream. Nasty sick dream. Scary.

Ondrej and Kylee were playing outside the room where Sugar and I were chatting. It was a house in the country. Small and the neighbors were far.

All of a sudden, Ondrej shouted, "Mommy a man took Kylee." Sugar and I were looking around and we were both screaming her name. We realized the perp would not be that far. We kept running and some kids were pointing to their direction. We ran and ran and we saw a lady with a bike. We got her bike and I drove and Sugar was at the back. We arrived in a college and students were confused but still managed to look at the direction we were looking for. Its like they knew what we were looking and just the direction of where they look helped us without uttering a word. Then it was dead end and we kept on screaming. Kylee was like struggling under a blanket with the pedophile. She opened the blanket and I started punching the man. Sugar started punching him too but I was too tired from driving the bike so I cant punch as hard and decided to bite him but then I realized he could have AIDS I started slapping him.

Then Kylee woke me up. I told her about my dream and that she should not talk to strangers.

As you all know, I love watching Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, CSI and all those gruesome sociopaths and psychopaths. So the dream scared me. All my dreams seems true.

Children are stubborn and naughty by nature. It is expected of them. If they cant talk to you they will seek attention from others. It is however the adults responsibility to teach them. The time to teach them about safety and precautions is now. The time to be firm with your kids is now. The time to provide them with knowledge is now. The time to inculcate the danger of "talking to strangers" is now.

The time is NOW. And it starts with YOU.

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