Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cheese Nips

Being married to an American (Born and Raised New Yorker) of an Italian (his Mom is half Italian bearing the maiden name, Dominioni) and Irish (his father is of Irish and French lineage) has ups and downs.

Dont get me wrong, the Hubster is extremely lovable. Sometimes, much much more than the usual but for those who knew me that well, there is always a room for hatred. I am a hater! But deep in the recesses of my purely black heart I can still feel love.

(Everytime Beamer see me skype-ing with my family and friends.)
Beamer: What do you talk about for so long? Cheese Nips?
(referring to "chismis" aka gossip in Filipino language)

Ladies & Gentlemen, my husband! He always mess Filipino words and still manage to be lovable. I think he is slowly developing this skill of making me smile when I am not in the mood. Slowly.

I will not be ranting about the things I need to do. On second hand, why the hell not? This is my blog. Go and get yours.

Looking at the crib makes me cringe. I have occupied our lounge area and the living room for my wedding decors. Our winter room is full of clean clothes which needed to be ironed and hang. Our guest room is still not cleaned since Kylee left. The Dining area is full of our things from our mini vacay which was ruined by Irene. The only clean place will be the kitchen and our Summer Room where we sleep.

I need to continue doing the decors. I am now on to the hanging decors for the pavilion. I have to make 100 pcs and now I made 6. Way to go!!!

Today I will be getting the wedding favors. It will also serve as the Seat Names. And probably look for a dress for my Mother because she gained weight and the dress she has no longer fit her. She is always on a night shift hence eating a lot! I also need to get someone to alter my wedding dress. And I think, I need to start my chores now.

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