Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just A Thought

Taken at Sophocleus Residence in Pafos, Cyprus

I started writing at an early age. I would not say that I am good at it please do not misunderstood. What I am saying is, I started early. That's it. Period.

I was probably encouraged by my nosy mother to have a diary when I was a kid. We could not afford a psychiatrist. When I was on my teens until my 20's, I started a journal which still exist on an attic in my mother's house in a small town called Nabua. 

I love that place, I cannot imagine a childhood without remembering that town. Its a small town so its only logical to say that everybody knows everybody, therefore gossip is on massive accounts. But that didn't bother me at all. As I have said, I love being the subject of ridicule. And I don't give a flying FIG!

I am however a late bloomer. While my classmates are getting chummy with the boys, I opted playing Barbie. In high school. Who does that? Still, writing vs. psychiatrist helped.

I had my first boyfriend when I was 15. I just graduated from High School and I think it was more of a fascination. I never kissed the guy. We held hands and he put his head on my shoulder which my sister Sugar misconstrued on a different angle that we were kissing. Up to this day she attest to that. BA-NA-NAS! And though there was a saying which goes "Fist Love Never Dies" I guess he was not my first love. It was something I call, a fascination.

And after that? Ok, here's the thing. If I will write about my past relationships, I have no qualms about. However, I might (AGAIN) hurt their feelings. I am not called the "Devil Incarnate" for nothing. Mwahahahahaha!

On my recollection, Boys were actually the subject I love to write about. Its the amusing fact that however they think they differ, they are so much similar. Its hard to find a Man. The transformation is crucial. I think that's why boys dont really like me. I have gazillion gay friends and very rare to have boy friends. We just dont seem to mesh. Its always a clash. I guess its because I have bigger balls than them.

I cannot blame them. I cannot. 

I always have been braver than them. At some point smarter. Some of them thinks I'm an idiot. Maybe I am. Maybe it was forced to let them shine and boost their confidence.

Bottom line is, writing is good. It will save you lots of sessions with a shrink. The money you save can buy shoes. The time you saved can be spent strutting those new skyscraper stilletos.

Who needs to sit on a chair and blabbermouth everyone and still be ripped off with a fee? When you can actually just go to your friends and gossip for free?

Ponder on that!

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