Monday, August 22, 2011

Bite Me

I will not elaborate what this specific person told me but it was a little harsh. Not because its not true but because she has the guts to tell it to me. I mean, hello? Do you want a mirror for a Christmas gift?

You told me something about my outward appearance. Okay, maybe I have a flat nose (which you did not say because you also have one) or some crooked teeth but I guess its a common knowledge that you don't really say what's OBVIOUS!

For a minute there, I bit my tongue. Not because I am afraid of you (although your weight scares me a bit!) or  because I am a hypocrite and I cannot say it in front of you but because I know that you are soliciting a certain kind of emotion from me. RAGE! And I will not give that to you.

I laughed it off and told you that because of that specific flaw I can be liken to this actress who has similar feature. You were disappointed. Of course! I will never let you trample my ego. Never!

Or at most let you see me have a nervous breakdown! That is so 90's of me!

Oh and by the way, let me just tell you if in case you are not aware of, you are by far UGLIER than me. If your brain will be sold it will be expensive, because its slightly used. You will never con me with a greatness that you never have and never will. You can buy all the diamonds in the world but you can never have the class you think you have. Look in the mirror, closer...dust off the mirror because it is clouding your vision.

And the next time you want to open your mouth, be wary I will have no holds barred. I will bite my tongue no more. You will receive my fist!


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