Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stress at its Finest

Beamer left for work at around 6:30am. I slept after he left because I felt really sleepy. I woke up around 11:30am when he called as he left several text messages.
My Farm Wedding is near and I have never felt so alarmed. Really! During our City Hall wedding, I was calm as the Pacific Ocean during summer. Though there was a blizzard and the snow hindered my guest to park, I still felt really okay! True, it was so surreal! Like what a first wedding is supposed to be. I remembered thinking: "This is it! No turning back! There is still time! RUN!"

Beamer and I had a rough time. We had a love which blossomed in its course. I love him more and more. True, I get irritated at times. But hey! Im a hater! I breath to hate! It is but natural!

I told him once when we were arguing that I am starting to hate him. And he said, its my prerogative to hate him as long as he is a good and responsible husband. And he will never hate me.

With him at least having the balls to lie that he never once hated me, I guess made me love him more. It takes guts to lie to me. Though I hate liars, I hate bad liars more. The least you guys can do is to lie and be good at it!

Where was I?

This Farm wedding is making me crazy! I am not panicking but I somehow felt in my gut that I need to. And that's what I hate about it.

Let me try to do more decors. We will be having a date night tonight. I don't know what to wear!

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