Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy is what Crazy gets

I am trying to perfect the smoky eyes for an eye make-up.Though I feel that I should practice more of the natural look which is the hardest thing to do. I just can leave the house without a lipstick. And since I live in the suburbs (though The Riv is a city, I still don't get that feeling!) I usually don't wear make-up and high heels anymore. I hate it! I just friggin' hate it!

Where was I?

I woke up on the other side of the bed! I am being a hater today. Not that I was never but it is more intense today. My Mom called and I told her I was busy. She kept on saying she cant hear me so I told her not to call me because I am feeling more stressed that Beamer kept looking at me. I am still not dressed. I am supposed to have my blood work today for my liver. The motherfucking liver is not as good as it used to be. I think that's why I easily get drunk by a glass of Pinot Grigio!

I felt like cursing a lot today! My head is spinning! I want to smash things! Maybe start with my head! 

The hubster stated that I am just not used to him being around every morning. Its his vacation and I am really busy with the wedding decors and all but I just cant concentrate because he is here. He is omnipresent!

I'm going fucking NUTS!!!!

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