Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"We are the product of the choices we make."

I have met a handful of people who dont take any responsibility of their action. They want to blame everyone else but themselves where in fact, they are the sole person who put themselves on their own predicament.

It is calamitous! It is a disaster!

Our parents often tell us not to trust strangers and to choose our friends. I never really choose friends. As I have stated before, I love only those who loves me. I am however a paranoid. I was never really trusting. Sometimes, the friends you think will be your ally will stab you at the back.

People sometimes blame other people for making their lives miserable. It is them who made themselves miserable. Sometimes, they blame their parents for not sending them to school but it is them who opted to choose vices than have a degree. Sometimes they blame men for ruining their lives and having them impregnated but guess what? It takes two to tango. You can not blame your parents that you got yourself pregnant. They were probably not there when you were consumed with lust. And don't just blame the man. I think it is both your mistake and the least you can do is own it.

You are who are you now because of what you have done to yourself. There is no one else to blame but yourself. At the same time, if you are happy with what you have become, it is only necessary that you go out and treat yourself for a drink or two because you are the sole person responsible to get you wherever you are right now.

And for those who are not yet in the state of happiness, there is still time. There is still time. Seal your fate with the choices you make.

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