Friday, August 12, 2011

Crazy Old Me

Scene: I was reprimanding Kylee because she was talking to me in a disrespectful tone. 

Me: You have to be respectful to elders. Do you know how old I am? Do you know?
Kylee: Yes Ma'am! You're old!
(And as I was about to tell her that with old age comes respect..)
Kylee: You're 27!
Me: Yes! I'm old! I'm 27!

Pardon me while I die of laughter for a minute. The Farm Wedding is my 28th birthday then. 

On my recollection, I was crazy! People love me for being crazy! People thought I can be a stand up comedian and rival Kathy Griffin. That was a long long time ago back then Kathy G. is not as famous as today. From time to time, I still get a few chuckle but I guess my cynicism impedes me to pursue making people laugh.  I was just not cut out for that!

Sometimes, I still feel like I'm crazy as I was ages ago! I still feel the urge to smack people when they say stupid things. I was not called an "amazon" for nothing. I have always been very generous to people. Some people might disagree but if they give it a long thought for sure they will realize that I have given them something. 

A smile. A gift. A time. A moment. A shoulder to lean on. An ear to listen to their whinings. A piece of advice. A fashion sense.

There's got to be something!

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