Friday, August 5, 2011

Elated, Enliven, Exhilarated

Whenever I feel down, I talk to my Lola (grandmother) and even if she passed away 2006, I still feel that she guides me. I have her photo (with me) framed in Dubai and now I had it on our fridge. I love her! She is the epitome of a matriarch. And most of all, I know she loves me. To my cousins and sibs, I am biased. Write your own blog.

Anyway, whenever I felt needing something she gives it to me. Especially if it is of the essence. I've been asking her to give me something for months. And yesterday, when I least expected it, it arrived. Beamer was as jubilant as me.

Life is really tough for other people but I have always been grateful to the unseen mover of all for making everything  easy as a flick of a finger for me. Sometimes I feel that I am not worthy for the blessings.

Unbeknownst to everyone, I am very spiritual. Not necessarily religious, but I am spiritual. I believe in God who is powerful and omnipotent. I believe that we reap what we sow. I believe that he will give us what is due us. I believe.

"When God push us to the edge of the cliff there is only one thing which will happen. Either he will catch us when we fall, or he will teach us how to fly." 

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