Monday, August 15, 2011

My Hardworking Hubster

Today is the last working day of Beamer. There will be a 2 week vacay which he most probably will spend golfing. I have no doubt. I kept on bringing up a vacay in New York but he is so stressed with all the work stuff so he told me that after today I can talk to him about the wedding and any plans for the vacay. Yay!

Our date night was cancelled last night because he was asked by the hospital to work another shift. The hubster has officially 4 jobs. His main job is at school for the kids with special needs and he part-time at the hospital for kids with special needs too. Aside from that he works part time (one on one) with another kid with special needs teaching them to be productive and adapt socially. He now applied for a work which he calls an exercise, a mover at the Dunkin Donuts Center. He started when the Cirque du Soleil was in town and he loved it. He just doesn't stop working. I am just amazed!

Which reminds me, I need to be more aggressive with my business. Anyone who wants to sell previously owned pants at a low price just call me and we can arrange something.

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