Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Endless Pursuit of Happiness

Cyprus was a revelation for me. I may not have known what I wanted in there but I surely learned what I never wanted from the start. And that alone is considered a revelation.

People go on with their lives never realizing what they wanted. And I am just happy and thankful to the unseen mover of all for clearing my mind. I can now see clearly without trepidation. Life is unfolding. 

Yesterday, we went to the beach. Kylee was overflowing with happiness and cant hide that feeling so she started chasing the seagulls. Then we went to the park and watched a mini rock concert in Newport. We had dinner at Via Via-Newport.

Today, I need to finish blogging and do some chores. I am so domesticated. I have to clean the rooms because I will be having guests this weekend. This is gonna be another busy day.

We might go to a jewelry shop and inquire about prices of wedding ring cleaning. Drop some clothes for dry cleaning. Then shop some necessary things. I think I will bring the cold pasta I made, drop by at Marzilli's for a Hero and have a picnic in the park.

I'm thinking of going to the beach tomorrow if Sugar arrives at 2pm. Im sure we will have a blast in the sun.

I cant wait to start looking for a bridal gown. 

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