Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Back to Ranting

Lindsay Lohan is apparently doing the cover of Playboy. This girl made a lot of bad decisions in life. Is she in need of attention that bad?

I know of people who makes bad decisions in life. I have made bad decisions myself. But do we really want to walk on that path again? If you are a teenager it is expected of you to make bad choices in life. Now, what is your excuse?

People who are always crying and playing victims are annoying. Wherever we are right now, it is our choice to be there. It was our decision. So ranting about how your life sucks is actually of your own doing. YOU are the product of the choices you made. You DESERVE wherever state you are now!

Don't go blaming men why they don't take you seriously. YOU don't take yourself seriously so why the (expletives deleted) hell are you demanding for them to do so? You don't like how your family member treats you? YOU made them that way! You don't like how your friends' attitudes are towards you? YOU made them that way!
Don't go around asking people for sympathy and think you have fooled them because they actually talk about how pathetic you are behind your back! You feel that you are a victim but you are actually living a life which you deserve because of your own doing. No one else is responsible but you!

When are you ever going to learn?

Own it up. Unless you own up to your mistakes you can never move forward. It is our life that we direct. We can only live our own lives. 

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