Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life is a Mystery

I graduated high school when I was 15. Some people think I am smart. I was actually stupid. I fooled them all. Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing.

During that summer I had my first boyfriend. To this date I am still denying the fact that my sister Sugar stated (and told my Mom) that I was putting my head on that boy's shoulders. I was NOT! I did not kiss that boy and I was in no way physically involved with him. I was smitten yes! But to say that I was in-love is actually a fallacy of gigantic proportions. 

I was young and I felt that I needed a boyfriend before I go to college. The boy was cute and I thought to myself, not too bad for a first boyfriend. You see, I have a talent. My talent is "looking forward" and I never really thought of myself as marrying my first boyfriend. 

The relationship was short-lived. First I was appalled by what my brother, Nino reiterated about his physical appearance. Of course, I was 15 and shallow so from that instance, I knew it was bound to end. 

From that experience I have learned that the world do not actually stop revolving just because one relationship ended. Life is full of mystery. Who would have known I am going to marry a New Yorker? Oh, with the exception of this fortune teller in Quiapo who told me that I am marrying a blonde. I mean, who would have guessed? What are the odds?

So I tell you, if you are feeling down and weary on a relationship which ended. Fret not. Life will unfold by itself. Trust him fully for only the unseen mover of all know what he has in store for you. Feel lucky. The mere fact that you woke up in the morning is a reason enough to celebrate.

You call it Faith. You call it Destiny. I call it God. 

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