Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Henry Ronda Rabe

To my dear friend Kimmy,

Same time last year I remembered vividly, instead of celebrating your birthday you opted to come with me for an interview which changed my life forever. Of course I remembered as well that we cooked and prepared something for you and you opted not to come to our shabby room but hey, that was understandable. Its your birthday, its your choice whom to spend it with.

I am happy to have known you. I knew we were bound to be friends when I realized you were gay. I love gay people. You guys makes my life a little lighter, a little happier.

We have been through a lot of happy times and inevitably sad. I knew that people just cant stop hating me especially when I open my mouth and spew TRUTH and I guess you were not an exception. But we remained friends and that is what i love about you. You are loyal and you were always there for me.

We may not see each other again as often as before but you are and always will be in my heart.

Thank you for making my life a little easier and a little bit happier. You have a friend in me.

Happy Birthday and may you have the happiness you truly deserve.

Love Always,

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