Saturday, October 8, 2011

To Wade or Not to Wade

Today we woke up thinking we will be apple picking at:
Sweet Berry Farm
19 3rd Beach Road
Middletown, RI 02842-5332

Unfortunately, there were no apples to be picked. Fortunately, there were pumpkins and a "pony" ride for Kylee. It was not really a pony. It was a huge HORSE. And the queue was insane I really want to shove everyone infront of us (Because I am impatient, except when I'm paid to wait and when its an opening of a shoe store!) but I decided not to because I am lazy to even try.

Anyway, Kylee had fun especially because she was wearing her new boots today. I told her that if she gets naughty i will send the boots to her BFF (Vanessa) and believe me when I say that this rugrat is a shoe-paholic in the making. Goodluck to you Daddy Carlos!

Today I want to react on a viral photo which is all over the facebook. This is apparently about a General in the Philippines whom the writer stated that should be fired from his job because he did not wade on the water while the American did not hesitate.

I must admit that it is quite appalling for someone of that stature to be carried by someone else but the truth of the matter is, that was his choice. And him being carried by someone else (Believe me, the guy was paid in full and that was his job of choice too!) should not be a ground for termination. I do not know this General, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know me as well and I am not defending the poor guy. But he most probably have a reason (pedicure, hello!) and even if he doesn't, that action did not define him as a General.

If he wanted to be carried, let him be. That's his choice. I'm sure he is good with his job after all you will not be a General if you are not. Let us not cast stones. Do I find it funny? Yes. Is he a disgrace to our country? Maybe. Should he be terminated? I guess not. 

The American probably doesn't mind at all. I think (and this is just my opinion!) we are more interested on what other people will say about us rather than doing our job. Clearly the job was not wading in the waters. We are too hospitable. That's why when we  work abroad we are being abused by our co-workers. They know that we'd rather just follow than be a leader. And most of us just stab everyone at the back rather than telling it to our co-workers point-blankly. 

I have nothing against the writer, Im sure he is passionate with this topic. And I respect the fact that he wanted to air his opinion. I love courageous people. All Im saying is, I dont think he should be terminated because of  this action.  

On second note, I hope my non-roadies who reads my blog know that I have the flag counter now therefore I know which peeps reads this. Oh and by the way, I hope Im not going to receive private messages on FB asking me to give them access to my photos.

Follow my blog and you will immediately have an access to the photos. That's it! Plain and simple!

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