Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My One True Love

I watched the 2nd part of the Kim Kardashian wedding and I must say, It was Awesome!!! She changed into 3 outfits. I was in awe of the 2nd gown. Not a big fan of the first but the gown she wore for her 1st dance was amazing!

As I have stated on my Facebook, I must have been making sense on my blog because I have readers from countries I know no one of. Sure I know peeps from PI and UAE. And some from Italy, Australia, Germany, Kuwait, Denmark, Cyprus and Singapore. But Slovakia, Ireland and India? I was flattered. Thanks.

Today there is yet another tingling sensation at the back of my head. It felt that it was inside. Like in my brain. Maybe I will die soon. It's not going to be a big loss. I am no Steve Jobs. Some people might even rejoice. I literally told the hubster this morning that I might have a brain tumor as diagnosed by the hypochondiacs' favorite doctor, WebMd.

In connection with my recent diagnosis please allow the "drama queen" in me to write something for the Man who made me realize that life is nothing if not shared with the man you love.

Dear Hubster,

I know that I am a gigantic force to be reckoned with. I feel that sometimes you want to shake the living hell out of me. But instead, you hold my hand and kiss me. I admit that I am not the easiest person to deal with. I am difficult and set a bar too high to reach. But you understood me. You get me. I think you are the sole man who gets me. And that alone is a big deal for me.

Sometimes I get to be so bitchy but you just continue loving me.

Thank you for the romantic dinners we shared in our shabby poker table. I love everything you cook. Not a big fan of the sandwiches though. The main dishes are absolutely amazing. I love you for taking good care of me. Thank you for being there when I needed to shout at someone or whenever I feel the need to have a kiss. But mostly when I am on my rollercoaster emotions. You get me. You really get me.

I may not be the perfect wife you envisioned to be with but I promise to try. I promise to be a better friend and a better cook and a better lover and a better wife. For as long as I am breathing I will promise to try.

On my "dying moment" if I can still speak I will speak of you. I will speak of love and I will speak of you. Of all the gazillion people in the world he brought me to you. And that must have meant something. There is a God. Who wanted me to be happy. And I think he wanted you to be happy too. So I will try to be a better me. I will try baby.

And if I get to be older (hopefully wiser!) I will still hold your hand and kiss you every night and every waking morning of our lives. You are my ally and be assured that I am yours.

I told you once: If you cant accept my worst, you do not deserve my best! And you got me. You really did!

I love you. I love you. I love you and most especially, I love you.

Always and Forever,

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