Saturday, October 29, 2011

To forgive is To forget: Try That Yourself

Due to insistent public demand, I will be disclosing more of the treacheries I have experienced. Brace yourselves!

Case number 2: a long long time ago, there was once a boy who was extremely cute. Sissy has a crush on him. He wooed me. I was flattered. He became my "boyfriend". Okay so I was like 17. And not that pretty. And being with a cute human being is like having Godiva chocolates when you should only be with the company of KitKats. Not that Kitkat is shabby (Its by far my favorite) but it is definitely not of our league. FACE value wise.

He is actually my first love. Or so I thought. While we were dating, he will usually hang out in our "boarding house" which we jokingly refer to as "Rehab" and he scrub the floor of my room with a coconut husk. He said it was exercise. He do my laundry. We were together for almost a year and it became boring. I think for both of us. One day, he told me that he will be out of town (going to Manila) for a few days. I was like, okay. But in mind it was: Great! I can hang out with my friends.

So the day he was supposed to be "out of town" I went out with my friend, Malyn and Nick and some other Dude. We had a great time and was supposed be going home so I boarded the jeep. (For those who are not aware of what a jeep is: Its a public transportation in the Philippines) And there he was! With his arms on the shoulder of a heavy-breasted woman. I say a woman because she was older.

The truth is, the hurt I felt was more of embarrassment. I was with my friends on the jeep. I felt betrayed but I was more embarrassed. There were no words that came out of my mouth. I was, for the first time of my life, speechless. I went off  the jeep and he said he will drop by later on. I said dont bother. I remembered Sharon Quitasol (my boardmate) opened the gate and I burst into tears. Of course we were on the pathway and people are suddenly flooding so she told me to go to my room and she brought ciggies. I was of course, okay  and stopped crying when she arrived.

He went back to woe me. I was like, no way. One day, we were in a club and he saw me with friends and some cute dudes, he asked to talk. I was like, Sure! We went outside of the club and he knelt and asked for forgiveness. He said he will not stand unless I take him back. Of course a lot of people are passing by and he was embarrassed but he did not stand. He was begging though. And then, an amazing spark lit on my brain. This is the time to exact my vengeance.

Just when he thought I was okay with everything, I dated his friend. I did not really like his friend that much but what the heck, it's just a one time date.

We broke up. He dated my friend. We still hang out. I loved him as a friend. We had good times. Great times. Everything fell into its proper place. We were friends and I think that's what were just supposed to be. Friends.

Then he died. It was a motorcycle accident.

Note: I had a suitor who died of a motorcycle accident after that. I dated another boy who died of another motorcycle as well. I'm not a big fan of motorcycle however bad-ass they look. They take away lives.

This is why I am telling you people: LIVE your life! life is short! Bring out the Margarita's! Oh, and first love dies. No pun intended.

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