Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Have Something To Say

I am Pro-Women. I believe that what men can do a woman can do better. Except for some BS like  asking women to pee on a bottle. That's absurd! Of course we can do it. The question is, Do I want to?

However, I believe that men should still open doors and give up their seat to a lady. Its not because we cant open the door ourselves or stand on a bus but because they should be gentlemen. Men who tries to compete with women are chauvinists and should not even be considered as "real men." I once dated a guy who refused to let my friend win on billiards. I was like, give it up! She's the one paying for your drinks. Be a man. Have some respect Dude!

You will never be considered a coward if you lose to a woman. But you will be hailed and placed in a pedestal if you let her win. It is never a question which gender is stronger. Men are. They are bigger and muscular. Hmmmm....

Women should not compete as well. This is not a war. People, please don't complicate things. What women fought for has already been achieved. The equality we once cried for is in our grasp. Women can be charged for rape now. That was the price we have to pay for  fighting for our freedom. I believe this "rape" was done out of spite by men who thinks they are above us all.
Anyway, let me not go through that. Who knows maybe a woman can really rape a man? Who am I to judge?

Let me just give an unsolicited advice to single girls:

Do not argue with an intoxicated man. He might strangle you. Not that I have been strangled but I surely have seen one.

Do not let a man hurt you physically or emotionally. He do it once, he will do it again.

Do not continue dating a man who never pay for your date. As JZ puts it, "Constipated wallet, constipated emotions."

Its a different thing if he forgot his wallet or it was snatched. But he cant always use that excuse more than twice.

Do not continue dating a man who keeps on changing his mind about something. He will do that to you. Remember the constipated theory?

Do not date just for the sake of being with someone. Word from the wise: "It is better to be alone and bored, at least you can read."

Men has the ability to string you along. They may deny it but they really can. And if you are not smart you will be dragged by the same man for a lifetime.

Do not marry a man whom you have doubts. You have to be a hundred percent sure that you wanted to be with this man for the rest of your life. Do not talk behind your husband's back. Do not belittle him and say, "He is on crazy meds" infront of your friends. Do not bad-talk your husband infront of your kids. It is disrespectful and it is wrong. If your husband is a bad man your kids will know themselves and besides if he is that bad why did you marry him? Stupid?

If you want a man to take care of you, rely on him as well. I once dated a man who never paid for his own fare and even relied on me paying for his drinks and food. I was too young to be a "Sugar Mommy" and refused to be one. How the hell can you expect respect from women if you don't even pay for your own fare? If you cant buy a decent meal for a girl, just don't date her. You will feel crap because that's exactly how she will remember you for the rest of her life. Crap!

The reason I married my husband is because he is like my uncle, Papa Vi. And he takes care of me. So I respect him and I will love him for as long as I live.  I am glad and pleased with the long wait. It was all worthwhile.

Why am I telling you all this? To save you from massive heartbreaks. And for you to remember that, It is better to quit while you're ahead. Some wise men said: Learn from your mistakes. I say, learn from other people's mistakes. Why do we need to experience their turmoil if we can avoid it and live a life?

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