Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lovin' Life

I remembered thinking last night, what if I die tomorrow? What happens next? I guess everybody should be ready with all those what if's? So I decided upon waking up today, though my back is killing me, I need to continue living, being domesticated that I am right now, organize my closet and that includes my accessories, sell stuff I cant get into (sucks to be a fatty!) and plan more of GIVEAWAYS!

A lot of people would think that I am Ms. Material Girl! Though I would disagree with the whole context, I will probably agree. I love shopping. Not the spending but the idea of the good things in my cart makes me giddy! Its like an adrenaline rush. As you all know, Beamer is a bit of a "saver" and somehow he influenced me. So when I go to a shopping mall, I packed my cart and savor the good items I have. Then before check-out I slowly discard them and stick to what I need rather than what I want. You will really be surprised that you really do not need a lot! 

Yesterday, I brought Kylee on a shopping spree. The little girl was excited and she just cant hide it! She was all so giddy and laughing a lot. We got pants (pink, fuchsia and violet) and leggings and a dress. The most important thing of all, her boots. I wanted the purple girly boots for her but she insisted of a black one. I asked her why and she replied with the most sensible answer: I want something like yours! That answer is best and so the narcissistic ME gave in. Beamer was patiently waiting in the parking lot doing his fantasy football while Kylee and I were having a blast.

The best thing about yesterday was finding the best fairy wings. It was the hubster who found it and showed it to us. We also had the Bunny costume for Kylee. She wanted to have the boots to go with it. Beamer was really not pleased because he can be a bit uptight. We bought the tutu and bunny ears and he wanted a real bunny. I said, fun and girly bunny is actually the trend.

All I know is that we will have FUN!

I realized that, in order for us to live life we have to savor each moment. I am now into building memories. True, I love material things but its only because I love the finer things in life. I love looking at all pretty things and I love wearing all cute stuff. I love dressing the hubster everyday and I will most probably not get tired of that. I am just embracing all the good things that has happened to me. I am thankful to the unseen mover of all for giving me all the fine things in life. For my supportive family. For the real friends. For my roadies. For my wonderful hubster who just keeps getting better. I realized he really gets me. He does. And that is the most important thing of all.

I love you all. 

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