Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Rollercoaster

I am still PMS-ing! The hubster calls it the rollercoaster ride. Beamer aka the Hubster has been very understanding and I'm a lovin'! I just don't know if he feels the same. You see, I cannot read minds. I can only negotiate. 

As you all know, Kylee is back in our crib. She will be here until after Halloween. We are both working on our outfits. We have a party to attend to and trick or treating at Barrington. So we need 2 costumes.

We all have agreed that on the Halloween party at Tiverton, Beamer will be Daffy Duck, I will be a sexy Bunny (that's hard to pull!) and Kylee will be a Fairy. We are still working on our wardrobe. I picked all black ensemble for Beamer (we just have to buy a beak!) and I already got my dress and shoes picked out. I still have to work with my accessories though. We already got a white dress for Kylee which we need to add a few things to POP!

The trick or treat is a bit of stretch. I will be the She-devil (As I really am!) and Beamer will be the Angel (that he is!) and Kylee wanted to be a BUNNY! Still working on the outfits on this one!

One thing I have learned in any occasion. You can never be too ready for something! So I will try my best to have everything ready a week before the occasion.

Wish me LUCK!

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