Friday, October 28, 2011

I Can Forgive but I will Never Forget

Yesterday I was doing an entry but hesitated to publish it. I think my parental theory will not matter to everyone because I am not a parent. When and If I become one I might change my mind with that theory. Who knows?

For the meantime lets talk about something where I am knowledgeable with. ME.

A friend once said: "To forgive is to forget." Well I beg to disagree! I can forgive but I can NEVER forget!

Case number 1: During college I was close to this girl whom I thought was my "friend". I tagged her along and gave her free (of charge) and unsolicited advises. I give her free drinks. and free food. I made sure she looks good too. Well, whenever she was with me. She sort of befriended me and I was like, okay no worries I'm going with the flow.  So, I was dating this boy who was sort of cute and prided himself to be a poet. Wrote poetry for me and made me a little bit smitten. Just a little bit. One day, I went to the hospital to stay with my Grandpa and I was absent from school for 2 days. When I went back to school, we decided to have a few drinks. By WE I meant, the erstwhile friend, the boy I was dating and Sherry, my true and loyal friend.

While we are drinking, I was seated next to the boy and the boy was seated next to that girl. When I was doing my shots I noticed that the (expletives deleted firmly) two of them are holding hands under the table! To say that I was furious is an understatement! It drove me nuts! Not because the boy is a (expletives deleted) asswipe but I treated that girl as a friend. Of course I pointed it out to them and they immediately let go of each other's hands. I went out of that "watering hole" and he followed me. He was trying to explain his side.

Me: Tell me why of all people in the world you opted for her? YOU have no respect! If you have a little bit, just a little bit of respect, you will look for someone prettier than me! (Imagine me berserk and narcissistic at the same time) Do you think I am stupid? Do you think I am stupid? Answer me you miserable pathetic (expletives deleted)!

Him: Well...
Me: Ah! And you want to answer back? You  (all swearing possible)!

I immediately left. Unbeknownst to my knowledge the boy has RHD. No, not Right Hand Drive. The poor boy which I terrorized has Rheumatic Heart Disease. When I left he was rushed to the nearby hospital and was admitted for a few days.

Uhmm....My bad!

Anyway, of course I forgave the poor guy. It was after all my "drama" which made him bedridden for a few days. Poor boy! See? I am not a psychopath! I exhibited remorse. Right?

The boy continued "wooing" me but to no avail. I already forgave him. Why would I submit myself to such ego-diminishing activity again? So of course, since he was my classmate on some class he was always the subject of my ridicule. But hey! I forgave him. I talk to him. I talk to him over the phone. True, I was always nasty. But I still speak with him. He is a sweet boy after all.

And the girl? Who cares? I forgave her. We go to clubs and hang out from time to time (with other friends) but I don't think I will ever trust her again. So why bother? And where is she now? Hmmm.... I really dont know. I saw her six years ago before I went to Dubai. And frankly, I don't really give a rat's ass!

That's the thing about me. I can be your biggest friend. I can be your ally. But the minute YOU cross me is the minute you decide that you will no longer have me in your life. Well, that depends too. Because if I am in the mood to be vindictive I can always do that.

And its not a threat! It's a PROMISE!

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