Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick Or Treat

Last Saturday we attended a Halloween party hosted by M. Santerre in Tiverton, Rhode Island. Kylee dressed up as a fairy, Hubster was Freddy and I was just a sexy Bunny.

Today, for trick or treating in Barrington, Kylee will be a Bunny, I will be the She-devil and Hubster will just be a "white man". He refused to wear a costume.

This morning I woke up with a weird dream. Two Chinese brothers were leading a syndicate and they were also in-love with the same girl. That was like watching an action film. For free. The head of the syndicate ripped his gut out and took his small intestine. Apparently, that's how they commit suicide. As I was telling this story to the Hubster, Kylee butt-in on the conversation and said that she had a dream too. She said she was playing with Ondrej and a man grabbed her. And she just covered herself with a blanket. Then she said, You had the same dream before. The hubster remembered I had a dream like that too. I think that dream made me paranoid that's why when we go out I am always holding Kylee's hand. Not on my watch you pervs! rofl

It seems like a good day today. Did I mention I won a twin-blanket/comforter and an Olive Oil set during the Halloween party? This is the first time in my life that I won on a raffle. I also won a doll (which Kylee calls Penny) on a vending machine prior to the party. I guess my luck is starting to kick-in.

Life is full of surprises! 

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