Sunday, October 30, 2011

Only Fools Rush In

I had a comment from my entry yesterday. It says: Sooooorrrdss!

Then it got me thinking about my life as an erstwhile artist. I auditioned for a part in a play called Ibalong gazillion years ago. Its the epic (story) of Bicol heroes. I got the part of "Laryong" and she is a witch. Which evidently is such a cliche!

During the course of practice, the director still was looking for a small part which is the wife of one of the heroes. Since I was there I volunteered to be an understudy because that part was after my last scene (where I was killed by the hero) and I don't have anything better to do.

Of course the director agreed for "blocking" purposes. And then they all forgot to look for the real "actor" for the part. I was semi-electrocuted during the performance at Divine College because I was in a hurry to remove my gruesome make-up (as a witch) for the next part.

Anyway, the next year it became a BIGGER production. I was the wife of the first hero. Oh please, don't ask me their names! My best buddy, King was one of that hero. And I have to say, I completely suck at that performance! I wanted to be a witch but hey, I don't know how to sing and it was required. I remembered insisting I have a wardrobe change just because I was so bored with my role.
During this whole ordeal and months of preparation and practice, I chanced upon a guy named "whatshisname" and he was supposed to be an actor from another school. I was told he was good. And I refused to comment on that. (Bitter! Peanut-bitter!)

We sort of hit it off quickly and became "close" and I thought with him I found someone who will be my ally. Then he disappointed me, BIG TIME! I refused to disclose more details except that, I thought he was no longer in-love with his ex, then one time we went to a fair where he was all over the ex and it disgust me.  

I found a letter in my room which says: I detest the best of what you are because more of you seems to be less and the rest doesn't count.

The mother-effin asshole is a freeloader! I paid for your drinks and food, you miserable excuse for a human being! And you think I was pathetic when in fact you just would have directed the mirror to yourself! I cannot believe how "trusting" I was. I cannot believe you bit the hands that fed you.

Okay so that was not the entire letter but that was what etched on my mind. With him, I don't think I can ever be friends again. I was devastated by the betrayal and he can never take back what he said. And even if someone will say otherwise, I just have to say: Sooorrrds!

Evidently, the love of my life has emerged most recently so there's no doubt I found him. Or he found me. Whichever comes first. The thing is, do not rush into love. Only fools do it.

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