Monday, October 17, 2011

The Power of Optimism

My sister Sugar called me (or was it the other way?) and informed that she is reading, The Secret. I'm not into reading as I was way back. I guess its because I'm lazy. Lazier as a matter of fact. The only thing I read nowadays are text messages. And the only exercise I have is whenever I am watching TV in my room (because the hubster is using the TV in the living room) and it has no remote control. Therefore, changing channels is a burden. Damn I need some Mint Chocolate Ice Cream!

Okay, so Sugar told me that on that specific book it encourage you to get all the positive vibes and embrace what you wanted like it is already yours. Hey! That's what I do. That is what I have been doing all my life. I even feared I have Schizophrenia because I felt that I always get what I want.

After my wedding, and after being with the company of the great Phiay Carino I have been obsessing of having a camera. I felt that somehow I will have it. I have been writing some concepts for future photo shoots. And then, BAM! I recently had my first DSLR. Thanks to my hubster and to myself and to the power of positive thinking.

Allow me a minute to laugh uncontrollably.

What I needed now is a new laptop. As you all know (OR NOT!) one day I was editing some photos and all of a sudden there was this burning smell. I went to the kitchen but it was not there. I sat at the table and I realized that the smell is just right there. Of course, my computer for 5 years decided to end his life.

The hubster promised to buy me a new laptop for Christmas while I use his ever slow laptop. CHRISTMAS? REALLY!!!??? That's like gazillion years from now. I need it as soon as possible. What shall I do?

Goodbye for now my roadies while I practice The Power of Positive Thinking.

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